A Sensitive Experience of the Soul's Potential in the Light of the Hamburg School Astrology

The Black Moon is so to speak the steering device for one’s inner world and impels to follow one’s own intuitive wisdom in order to go the unique and individual path of one’s destiny. The Black Moon brings one in connection with another dimension of one’s existence where one can make the difference in one’s life. The house position is the area where one can open up to a deep connection with the soul’s mission, passion and fascination . This Black Moon potential generally does not manifest itself fully before the second half of one’s life -save some exceptional cases of course- when the personality has formed and made itself suitable as an instrument for the soul’s purpose to realise its destiny in this life.
A human being needs a firm developped personality in order to bring his light into the world.
It is a known fact that when transit Pluto squares natal Pluto (so called midlife crisis/opportunity in disguise) one is invited and called upon to open up to the impulses of the Black Moon (according to houseposition) where one has a loopclear awareness and vision that needs to be connected with the proper life experiences in order to integrate one’s spiritual heritage and be able to apply these unique core qualities at the service of mankind in a non-personal, altruistic way.
The way to achieve this is represented by the Black Sun-Diamond axis, the so called road of the Hero in combination with the Moonnode axis.
The Black Sun is the position on the Sun’s orbit that is the furthest away from Earth. It is the open channel towards the Universe, where the individual has not been conditioned. It is a naieve and creative force, that needs to be channelled and given form in life. It is actually around 12-12.5 degrees Cancer (it moves 1 degree every 72 years) and the houseposition is determining. Opposite the Black Sun lies the Diamond, which represents the area of the maximal realisable form into matter which helps us unlock and manifest the hidden juwel of the Black Moon and transform it to be of service to mankind.
As stated, the core quality of the Black Moon is indicated by house position, whereas position in sign indicates the correlating atmosphere.
The Black Moon in the 10th house in the natal chart indicates that the person has an inborn enhanced insight in social structures and the quality and ability to become a key figure and make history on a national and mundane scale by bringing on necessary changes in social and moral value systems for the benefit of society and wellbeing of mankind. It takes courage and dedication to do so and as we will see it sometimes can become a very sensitive life experience, especially when a personal sacrifice is made in fullfiling the soul’s mission.
I have the honour to present to you today my research on the position of the Black Moon in the 10th house in the charts of several wellknown public personalities in the field of power and politics and illustrate with the 90 dial the remarkable and surprising connection with relevant planetary pictures and personal points, according to the Hamburg School Astrology
I hope I will succeed to transmit and share with you today the result of my findings, which is the first step of further research.
Francois Mitterand" />
Francois Mitterand - President of France from 1981-1995
BLACK MOON AXIS (26°24 Cancer)
= MC = PL = AS
2nd axis (22°30)
= (SU/NE)/MA
(* BSDI = Axis of Black Sun and Diamond
Mitterand's soul has the potential to become a prominent and powerful political statesman who wants to lead his nation with authority and power through strong and idealistic, socialistic actions and decisions.
Charles de Gaulle" />
Charles de Gaulle - General in the WW2 and President of France from 1959-1969

= NO = PO = PL
= (CU+ZE) / (MO/ME)
= MC / (MO/ME)
= BSDI / (NE/KR)*
2nd axis (22°30)
= (KR+KR) / SA
= (KR+KR) / (CU+ZE)
= CU/(ZE/AP)
= (MA/VU) / KR
= (MO/ME) / SA
(* BSDI = Axis of Black Sun and Diamond
De Gaulle's soul has the quality of a strategist and military organiser as well as the potential to become a great president with independent intellect and spirit who operates with charismatic, diplomatical and political authority exclusively for the benefit of his nation.
Condoleeza Rice" />
BLACK MOON AXIS (18°03 Scorpio)
2nd axis (22°30)
= AP / (PL/KR)
= MO / (HA/ME)
= MO / (SU+MO+MC)
(* BSDI = Axis of Black Sun and Diamond
Condoleeza's soul has the potential to have influential connections and be a powerful tie between many people for the benefit of mankind. She ahs political and transformational abilities in crisis situation, although her actual political position in a government that uses brutality and destructive actions in a political terroristic war reflects her perseverant and not especially tender or scrupulous mind to operate in secrecy, theat needs to be dealt with and worked out karmically.
Vladimir Putin" />
Vladimir Putin - 2nd President of Russia From 1999-2008
= MC = KR+VU
= (MC/PL) / (NO/JU)
= (AS/HA) / (KR/VU)
(* BSDI = Axis of Black Sun and Diamond
Putins's soul has the potential of being a powerful charismatic public and political leader, head of state, a pater familiae so to speak, with great future vision, having to count however with dangerous adversaries due to his past connections.
J.F.Kennedy" />
John F.Kennedy - 35th President of the USA from 1961-1963
2nd Axis
= (KR+KR) / (CU/PL)
= (AR/KR) / (SA/ZE)
= BSDI / NE *
(* BSDI = Axis of Black Sun and Diamond
Kennedy's soul has the potential of becoming a dominant authority for many people, due to his great power to bring about changes with expansive vision and charismatic speakers talent, although his life style and improper use of his political power and faulty (familiy) connections due to karmic past actions have lead to a dramatic end of his soul's purpose.
Angela Merkel" />
Angela Merkel - first Lady Prime Minister of Germany since 2005
BLACK MOON AXIS (3°33 Scorpio)
= HA = PO = KR
2nd axis (T16, 22°30)
Angela Merkel's soul has a cultural and spiritual intelligent potential with a great sense of duty and self confidence, which tries to be of service to the cultural freedom of the community, although due to restricting ideas and influences of the past , not always able to express her radical impulses, clouding a clear perception, which can lead to erronic visions in her role as a public leader.
Princess Maxima" />
Princess Maxima - married in 2002 the dutch Crown Prince Willem Alexander
BLACK MOON AXIS (10°48 Libra)
= AD = SU/SA = PL/KR
= (AR/PL) / CU
= (AS/PL) / CU
= (MC/MO) / AD
= (SU/NO) / MO
= (VE/KR) / (JU/NE)
2nd axis (22°30)
= MA / (UR/HA)
= MA / (MA/CU)
= MA / (ME/VE)
In despite of difficult circumstances due to her father's argentinan political past in the Videla regime, she succeeded in being accepted by the dutch government ot marry the dutch crownprince and in a short time has risento the highest rank in popularity.
Maxima is a born welfare worker and is President of a world microcredit project as well as President od Woman Minorities in the Netherlands. Together with her husband, the future King, they operate in a lot of charitable projects.
The directed Black Moon" />
The directed Black Moon in Libra
Solar Arc |
Black Moon directed in 360° | |
Francois Mitterand became President 21 MAY 1981 |
65°18 |
BMd = AS in Libra |
Charles de Gaulle became President 8 JAN 1959 |
60°61 |
BMd = AS in Libra |
John F. Kennedy became President 20 JAN 1961 |
41°40 | BMd = T16* AS in Libra |
Vladimir Putin Presidential action from 31 DEC 1999 Official President 7 MAY 2000 |
47°13 47°35 |
BMd in Libra = T16 AS (SUN in Libra) |
Condoleeza Rice became National Security Advisor |
46°46 | BMd = NO = T16 NE in Libra (Lord of BM Scorpio) |
Angela Merkel became primeminister 22 NOV 2005 |
49°20 |
BMd = T16 NO Lord of BM is Neptune = T1 MC in Libra°° |
Princess Maxima started public career Charwoman Ctee Mircofinancing, Member of Dutch Council od State, Advice Council for dutch Government ... 30 JUN 2006 |
33°38 |
BMd = T8 AS = CU Lord of BM in Libra |
T = a Trail, who guides us through the study
° T1 = Trail 360/1 = arc of 0°
~ T8 = Trail 360/8
= arc of 45°
* T16 = Trail 360/16 = arc of 22°30
"3rd International Conference of Uranian Astrology for Body, Soul and Spirit"
in the Riga Congress Centre, Latvia 2nd to 4th of May 2008.