Karla and Kathy

Both hypothesis, one from Lefeldt about sum and halfsum, and Perch’s findings for the own birth, the death and the personality, are the basis for the following horoscope-examinations.

1. The test of my assumpion, hat Karla is reborn into the body of Käthy.


Karla Birthday: 10th of Dec. 1922, 8:45-1 = GMT
Coordinates: Lg. 10°E 02’, Lat. 53°N 36’.
Death day: 03rd of May 2002 at: 3:00 – 2 = GMT

Käthy’s Birthday: 22th of Nov. 2005, 23:15 – 1 = GMT
Coordinates: Lg. 12°E 03’, Lat. 43°N 07’


I’ll work with the following planet-pictures:
(KA. = Karla. Kä. = Käthy)
  1. JU+SA-MO: Point of the own birth, leaving the body of the mother
    Ka. = 27°31 Sag. Kä. = 27°22 Lib.
  2. MC+PO and MC/PO. The life-element in the body and out of the body
    Ka. = + 23°45 Ar. / 11°53 Lib. Kä. = + 27°18 Sag. / 13°39 Leo.
  3. MC+SU+PO: Personality point. Unity between body and life-element
    Ka. = 11°14 Cap. Kä. = 28°01 Leo.
  4. JU+SA-SO: Removal from the body, leave the body, exit Ka. = 9°48 Vir.
  5. KN+NE+UR: Connection with the beyond, to enter the invisible world
    Ka. = 23°45 Cap.
  6. NE/AD, NE+AD: Changing the condition Ka. / 11°02 Gem. + 22°04 Leo Kä.
    = / 4°03 Ar. + 8°06 Ar.
  7. NO/HA and NO+HA: Connection with the past Kä. = /18°42 Tau. + 7°24 Can